Total Funded: $99,653,313

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CASA Foundation
Program: Becoming a Culturally Safe Organization- CASA Unlearning, Learning and Renewal Project
To undergo an unlearning, learning, and renewal project with the goal of equipping the organization with the knowledge and strategies to increase competency and effectiveness in providing services rooted in safety, equity, and inclusion.
Community Grants Program
Human Rights
Boyle Street Services Society
Program: Inner-City Recreation & Wellness Program Expansion
To hire an additional staff member to improve wellness services by increasing their wellness program offerings, particularly for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, substance use issues, etc.
Community Grants Program
Edmonton Community Legal Centre
Program: Legal Advice Expansion Project
To pilot an adaptation of their service model by hiring a third articling student to increase annual clinic advice to their clients by 50%.
Community Grants Program
Public safety
Edmonton Gleaners Association
Program: Supporting Capacity for Cultural Groups and Increasing Demands
To support costs to purchase more food to meet specific ethnic requests.
BIPOC Grants
Human services
Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
Program: The Great Pumpkin Event
To supports costs for an event at the end of October, during Halloween, to gather community for a safe function to bring families and youth together.
BIPOC Grants
Sports and recreation
Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area Society
Program: Wahkohtowin Indigenous Mentorship Conference
In partnership with Enoch Youth Council, to provide community, leadership, and space for healing and empowerment to Indigenous youth in the larger Amiskwaciwaskahikan area.
BIPOC Grants
Human services
Multicultural Family Resource Society
Program: Healing and Reconciliation Conference: Restoring A Structured Social Fabric Through Reconciliation and Healing
To cover transportation and venue hire for accessibility of this program for the community members attending the event.
BIPOC Grants
Human services
Francophonie Albertaine Plurielle - FRAP Society
Program: Team Building and 2023-2026 Strategic Plan
To organize and carry out two days of team building and strategic planning sessions for existing and new staff.
BIPOC Grants
Human services
Buffalo Keeper Nehiyaw Centre Edmonton
Program: Talking Stick, Addiction, Trauma, Traditions
To provide a healing circle program for newly released Indigenous Federal inmate clients who are suffering from residential school trauma or intergenerational effects of residential school.
BIPOC Grants
Innovation Institute
Program: The Breach
In partnership with The Breach, to pilot a Western local bureau amplifying the perspectives of Indigenous women writers and advocates.
BIPOC Grants
Information and Communications
HIV Network of Edmonton Society
Program: Safer, Secure, and more Resilient Edmonton
In partnership with IMPACT Institute, to support a cultural gathering led by, and for, Black Muslim women revolving around the theme of countering discrimination and racism through the spirit of listening, relationship building, healing and capacity …
BIPOC Grants
Human services
Council for the Advancement of African Canadians in Alberta
Program: Office Move
To support moving to new office location and purchasing furniture.
BIPOC Grants
Human services
Centre for Race and Culture
Program: Youth Leadership Project
To develop and roll out a youth program, working with a Metis Indigenous Educations Specialist to support the project that is coordinated and led by racialized youth.
BIPOC Grants
Human services
Edmonton Heritage Festival Association
Program: World Music Week 2022: Tawow
To support the first night of World Music Week, dedicated to Indigenous artists.
BIPOC Grants
Sports and recreation
Council for the Advancement of African Canadians in Alberta
Program: Iri Ji Festival Program
In partnership with Igbo Cultural Association of Edmonton, to support the costs of purchasing local music instruments and accessories, native dance costumes for men, women and children, venue decoration items and some masquerade gear.
BIPOC Grants
Arts and culture