Total Funded: $99,653,313

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Intercultural Child and Family Centre
Program: Ensuring Safety for Children, Families and Staff
To provide financial assistance to support extra staffing required to maintain Covid protocols at our two centres.
Rapid Reponse Program
iHuman Youth Society
Program: Access to Ceremony and Indigenous Knowledge
To engage youth people in land-based teachings, ceremony, language lessons and knowledge transfer to connect them to their ancestral roots.
Rapid Reponse Program
iHuman Youth Society
Program: HYPE Space
To support staffing of HYPE space for six months.
Rapid Reponse Program
Homes for Heroes Foundation
Program: Edmonton Village
In support of the Homes for Heroes village for homeless veterans in Edmonton.
Rapid Reponse Program
Hindu Society of Alberta
Program: Roof Repair
To repair and improve the roof on a 35-year-old building.
Rapid Reponse Program
Habitat for Humanity Edmonton Society
Program: Technology upgrades
To support IT needs resulting from COVID, including new laptops and website upgrades.
Rapid Reponse Program
Goodwill Industries of Alberta
Program: Summer student
To hire an Indigenous post-secondary summer student to research a community garden, a meeting place of many cultures.
Rapid Reponse Program
Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation
Program: Early Discharge Program & Virtual Rehabilitation
To support a community mental health professional to support post-COVID patients with mental health concerns.
Rapid Reponse Program
Film & Video Arts Society of Alberta
Program: Keeping Arts Alive
In partnership with the Edmonton Movie Club, to support movie screenings and acquiring screenings rights of the film.
Rapid Reponse Program
Film & Video Arts Society of Alberta
Program: Edmonton Movie Club
To implement enhanced safety measures including COVID testing during production.
Rapid Reponse Program
Evergreen Theatre Society
Program: Community Spaces
To support a fall promotional campaign aimed to attract rental customers.
Rapid Reponse Program
Events Edmonton
Program: Health and Safety Initiative
To support the purchase of protective and social distancing equipment for Taste of Edmonton.
Rapid Reponse Program
Edmonton Symphony Society
Program: ESO Outdoors
To reintroduce the beauty of the orchestra to a larger segment of the population by creating formalized outdoor concert experiencing, featuring miniature orchestras (15 musicians) who would perform orchestral repertoire.
Rapid Reponse Program
Edmonton Symphony Society
Program: Evolution of the Arts in a Digital World
To support the presentation of eight free webinars to address the digital barriers by identifying solutions that are applicable, budget friendly, and feasible.
Rapid Reponse Program
Edmonton Public Schools
Program: Basic Needs for LaZerte Students
To purchase groceries and bus passes for students and families of M.E. LaZerte High School.
Rapid Reponse Program