Total Funded: $99,653,313

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Agrarians Foundation
Program: Rural Routes to Climate Solutions
To provide producers with knowledge and training on principles and practices used on farms to mitigate and adapt to climate change and how to participate in a low carbon economy.
Community Grants Program
United Way of the Alberta Capital Region
Program: Everyday Hero
A pilot project that includes a series of webinars aimed to provide learning opportunities about philanthropy, personal and professional development, and ways to become more engaged with community.
Area of Focus
Human services
Skills Society - Supporting the Citizenship of People with Disabilities
Program: White Fragility Box
Donations received through Canada Helps to support a small digital advertising campaign for people who are aware of the issues of racism and systemic racism in our society.
Area of Focus
Human Rights
United Way of the Alberta Capital Region
Program: Reflection Pool App
To cover six weeks of resourcing work related to the pilot phase.
BIPOC Grants
Human Rights
United Way of the Alberta Capital Region
Program: Reflection Pool App
To cover work related to the pilot phase.
BIPOC Grants
Human Rights
TAIBU Community Health Centre
Program: ECF, Privy Council and FFBC partnership on COVID-19 vaccine education campaign for Black Communities in Edmonton
To support a COVID-19 vaccine education campaign for Black Communities in Edmonton.
BIPOC Grants
Skills Society - Supporting the Citizenship of People with Disabilities
Program: Reflection Pool App
To support the pilot phase of app development.
BIPOC Grants
Human Rights
Skills Society - Supporting the Citizenship of People with Disabilities
Program: White Fragility Box: You Need This Box
To evaluate the second installment of the You Need This Box series through surveys and interviews, as well as develop, design and user test the third installment.
BIPOC Grants
Human Rights
Sickle Cell Foundation of Alberta
Program: Black Canadian Literature Guide
To develop a K-12 curriculum of African and Caribbean genres of identity building or idioms of expressions in fiction and non-fiction.
BIPOC Grants
Arts and culture
Multicultural Family Resource Society
Program: South Sudanese Funeral Costs
To support the burial and funeral costs related to more deaths of young adults in the South Sudanese community.
BIPOC Grants
Human services
London Community Foundation
Program: Strong Together Fund
To support the creation of a fund in response to hate crimes, murder, and racism committed against Muslims in London.
BIPOC Grants
Human Rights
John Bosco Child and Family Service Foundation
Program: Rent
To support 12 months rent for Somali Canadian Cultural Society of Edmonton (SCCSE).
BIPOC Grants
Human services
Islamic Family and Social Services Association
Program: Youth Mental Health
To support the additional day of mental health line and additional supports for youth mental health.
BIPOC Grants
Fringe Theatre Adventures Society
Program: Indigenization Project
To support consultation, travel, and protocol costs associated with the new Director of Indigenization position.
BIPOC Grants
Arts and culture
Edmonton Heritage Festival Association
Program: YEG in Diversity in Art Showcase
A collaborative exhibition featuring the work of Black and Indigenous artists within Alberta.
BIPOC Grants
Sports and recreation