Total Funded: $99,653,313

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Edmonton Social Planning Council
Program: Alberta Living Wage Network
To support the Network’s coordinator postion, social media support, and to maintain a website with living wage calculators.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Human Rights
Edmonton Gleaners Association
Program: Beyond Food
To support a collaborative initiative to connect Food Bank clients with other services that will address key barriers to success, such as literacy, education, employment, mental health, and food security.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Human services
Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
Program: Building the Capacity of Edmonton's Non-profit Sector
To build capacity in the non-profit sector by fostering emerging networks of organizations with a focus on leadership, governance, collective action, and collaboration.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Edmonton and Area Land Trust
Program: Organizational Capacity
To develop policies, programs, and procedures that will support the organization as it continues to grow.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Drayton Valley Community Foundation
Program: Environmental Activities
To increase environmental grant-making and matching dollars to build an environmental endowment.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Creating Hope Society of Alberta
Program: Connect the Dots
A housing readiness program to support families in crisis with resources and supports to build life skills and keep their families together.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Human services
Chrysalis: An Alberta Society for Citizens with Disabilities
Program: Pan-Disability Connection
To support a collective impact initiative which aims to increase the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Human services
Bissell Centre
Program: Community Bridge
To prevent evictions by providing a forgivable loan and to help people address the circumstances that put them at risk of eviction.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Human services
Bissell Centre
Program: Follow-up Support Worker
A support a Follow-up Support Worker position to help people stay housed after they have experienced homelessness.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Human services
Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
Program: Unrestricted Funds
To support priority areas for Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Human services
Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
Program: Climate Innovation Fund
To address issues of climate change and sustainable energy systems.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Action For Healthy Communities Society of Edmonton
Program: Community Initiatives
To support people in improving the social determinants of health in their communities.
Foundation Directed Initiatives
Community and economic development
Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Edmonton
Program: Environmental Operating Grant
To support a dedicated Helpline Manager position to streamline processes and respond to increasing number of calls.
Environmental Operating Grants
Society of High Prairie Regional Environmental Action Committee
Program: Environmental Operating Grant
To establish a website as a mechanism to share existing educational resources and engage with the community.
Environmental Operating Grants
Pigeon Lake Watershed Association
Program: Environmental Operating Grant
To support the Executive Director position and grow the fund development capacity of the organization.
Environmental Operating Grants